"Ugo Drago"-Ernie Boyette-Messerschmitt Bf-109 World War II Aviation Art

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Messerschmitt Bf-109G-6 Fighter

Limited Edition 12" by 18" Print Signed and numbered by the artist and co-signed by Italian Messerschmitt Ace Ugo Drago

Price: $75.00


Ernie was born to poor parents on a sweet potato farm in Green Cove Springs, Florida. The family raised chickens, rabbits and agriculural foods. The last of seven children, his father died when he was two years old. Growing up, Ernie always helped his mother and encouraged her in her self-taught wildlife painting. When she passed away in 1985, she left him her art supplies and some blank canvasses.

Bored with a job he disliked, he decided to figure out how to paint one night in 1986. He pulled out his mom's "art stuff" and started. Never having an art lesson in life other than what he was taught in public school, Ernie did about ten paintings over the next several years. Trained in marketing, in June 1991, he decided to try art as a business. Convinced he had talent, he swore he would be making his living from his artwork, writing and photography.

Not knowing what he wanted to paint, he liked airplanes and military so he tried that. He started painting one airplane after another. In the spring of 1993, he received his first commission from an F-18 Squadron stationed at Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Florida. Commander John "Lites" Leenhouts employed him to do a black and white Limited Edition of their squadron aircraft.

In 1994 he started his series "Famous American Aviators". His first prints were his heroes, George Gay and Robert "Bob" Scott. Between January 1991 and December 2000 he painted no less than 150 paintings. From March 1993 to September 2000 he published 42 Limited Edition prints along with 36 poster prints. In the fall of 2002 he was commissioned by Cook Cleland's family to paint all three of the F2G Corsair racers that he flew in the late 1940's at the Ohio Air Races. Cook won the Thompson Trophy in 1947 and 1949. Ernie had worked with Cook in 1997 with a print of the SBD dive-bomber he flew in WWII.

In March of 2003 Ernie was officially knighted as a “Knight of Vision” for his efforts in telling the stories of Great britain's famous aviators. Sir Ernie Hamilton Boyette now signs all his original paintings as Sir Hamilton.

His artwork is now marketed nationwide in aviation museum gift shops including the Smithsonian. In November of 2006 his artwork was selected by the new Pearl Harbor Museum, Hawaii, to be sold in their gift shop. Ernie's artwork has also appeared in the Aviation History magazine and his prints are marketed worldwide.

Ernie Boyette Signed and Numbered Print "Ugo Drago"

Messerschmitt Bf-109G-6 Fighter

Limited Edition 12" by 18" Print Signed and numbered by the artist and co-signed by Italian Messerschmitt Ace Ugo Drago

Ugo Drago attained his civilian pilots license on May 11,1938 through the Capodichino flight school in Naples, Italy. In 1938 he began his military flying career with the Regia Aeronautica, and in 1939 was assigned to the 363a Squadriglia, 150 Gruppo Autonomo Caccia Terrestre.

Lieutenant Drago scored his first kill, a PZL24, during 1940 while flying a Fiat CR 42. Later serving as the commander (Commandante) of the 363a Squadriglia, Drago flew this Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6. Drago flew the example shown in May of 1943 in Sicily. “7” was the lucky number always carried by Drago. The 150 Gruppo adopted the Gigi Tre Osei” badge as depicted behind the canopy. This was done in tribute to Luigi “Gigi” Caneppele, a pre-war Olympic glider pilot who died in action over North Africa, the “Tre Osei” (3 birds) representative of his 3rd class glider badge.

On June 9, 1943 while intercepting USAAF B-25’s over Pantelleria with lucky “7”, Drago was able to shoot down two escorting Spitfires of the 31st Fighter Group. Seeing a small dot closing on his tail, Drago mistakenly believed this to be his wingman, from whom he had become separated during the battle. The dot turned out to be an opposing Spitfire, which opened fire on Drago, ripping the wing off and causing the plane to enter an uncontrollable spin. Miraculously, Drago was able to escape from the crippled aircraft and parachuted to safety. Drago returned to Sicily on the last flight leaving the besieged island of Pantelleria.

Drago served with the Regia Aeronautica 150 Gruppo from 1940-1943 in Greece, North Africa and Sicily. During this period, he amassed 6 confirmed kills, 2 Spitfires and 4 PZLs. Drago also flew the Macchi 200 and 202 during the North African campaign.

Following the September 1943 Armistice, Ugo Drago served as the commander of the 1a Squadriglia (later 4a Squadriglia), II Gruppo Caccia of the Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana (ANR) flying the Bf 109G. This group also employed the “Gigi Tre Osei” Insignia. Interestingly, Drago was the first ANR pilot to fly the K model of the Bf109, equipped with a 30mm canon.

Drago ended the war as one of the ANR leading fighter aces with 11 confirmed kills, this tally made up of 1 P-38, 4 P-47s, 2 P-51s, 1 B-24, 1 B-25, 1 RAF Boston, and 1 RAF Marauder. Recently released United States and Italian records indicate that Captain Drago may have as many as 25 confirmed aerial victories. Among his numerous decorations, Ugo received 3 Medaglie d Argento al Valor Militare (Silver Medals for Military Valor) and the Croce di Guerra al Valor Militare (War Cross for Military Valor). A fourth silver medal was never awarded due to the confusion surrounding the armistice. He was also awarded 2 German Iron Crosses, and was promoted to the rank of Captain based on his war merits. In total, Drago flew over 400 missions and scored 17 confirmed aerial victories making him Italy’s 9th ranking ace.

In addition to these decorations and honors, perhaps of greater importance was the inspiration and courage that Drago provided to his combat group. As a testament to Drago’s leadership and achievements, the German high command was so impressed with the results of Drago’s 4a Squadriglia, that the group had been chosen for transition to the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter

All artwork is subject to availability at time of order. Although seller strives to remain currrent as to inventory, seller reserves the right to cancel a sale if item is no longer available at time of purchase.

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