"Strike on Karbala" - James Dietz - Military Art

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The 101st Airborne Division attacks the Iraqi city of Karbala
Price: $400.00

James Dietz

The growing popularity of aviation art has brought before the public eye the works of a number of professional aviation artists. Among these one artist stands out for his unique approach to this genre. "The people, settings, and costumes are what make aviation history exciting and romantic to me." It is this feeling that makes James Dietz, and his artwork, so different from that of his contemporaries. Rather than simply illustrate aviation hardware, Dietz prefers to portray human involvement.

After graduation from Art Center College of Design in 1969, Jim began a successful career as a commercial illustrator in Los Angeles. The subject matter varied from automobiles to action scenes to romantic book covers. A steady flow of work from New York enabled the Dietz' to move to Seattle in 1978. It was at this time that he took his first concrete steps toward fulfilling his dream to specialize in aviation art, at that time an almost unheard of genre. Since then, aviation art has played an increasingly large part in his career. Jim Dietz's clients include Boeing, Bell Helicopter, Allison, and Flying Tigers, to name just a few.

Jim has also branched out into the fine arts field with his aviation art. A strong following has developed for his originals and a growing number of limited edition prints have introduced Jim's name to print collectors worldwide. Four of Jim's originals were put on display in the Smithsonian's National Air & Space Museum commemorating the 75th Anniversary of Naval Aviation; one of the paintings was presented by the Navy League to then Secretary of the Navy, John Lehman. A regular contributor to the Air Force Art Program, Jim's work has been featured on the cover of AIR FORCE magazine.

Jim Dietz has been honored with several gold medals from the Los Angeles Society of Illustrators and has won Best in Show in three successive years in the EAA Aviation Art Show. In 1988, at the second American Society of Aviation Artists forum, Jim was awarded the "People's Choice Award" for his painting selected by forum attendees. Major showings of Dietz's originals have recently been held at the EAA Museum and the San Diego Air Museum. His work is found in a number of private and corporate collections.

James Dietz Signed & Numbered Limited Edition Artist Proof Print "Strike on Karbala"

Karbala is a major Shiite Muslim city 60 miles southwest of Baghdad at the edge of the Syrian Desert. Karbala is the site of the tomb of the Shiite leader Hussein, who was killed in the city in 680 AD. It is second only to Mecca as a holy place visited by Shiite pilgrims. The tomb, with a gilded dome and three minarets, is the most notable building; it was destroyed by the Wahhabis in 1801, but was quickly restored by contributions from Persians and other Shiite Muslims. The city is a holy site visited during a yearly pilgrimage of Iranian and Syrian people traveling to Mecca, which traditionally begins in Karbala and finishes in An Najef.

After completing a Relief-In-Place (RIP) with the 1st Brigade Combat Team (BCT), in An Najef, Iraq at 040700L April 2003, the 2nd BCT 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) (The “STRIKE” Brigade) went into an abbreviated planning process for an attack on Karbala to destroy remnant Saddam Fedayeen and paramilitary forces. Following the RIP, select members of the Brigade staff and the Assistant Division Commander for Operations flew to and conducted a battle handover briefing for the mission to Karbala with the 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division. Upon return, 2nd BCT executed a hasty mission planning sequence as the 101st Division Main Effort and issued a Fragmentary Order (FRAGO) at 041800L April 2003. That evening at 2100L, the Brigade TAC departed the Al Kifl base of operations and linked-up in a Position Area for Artillery (PAA) with 1-320 FA “TOP GUNS” in preparation for the next morning’s attack.

In addition to its organic elements, the Brigade was augmented with 2-70 AR, 1st Armored Division; C/1-41 IN (M), 3-101 Attack Aviation; and 2-17 CAV. Artillery support included 1-320 FA, 3-320 FA and C/1-377 FA, including a battery of MLRS from C/2-37 FA. Total artillery assets consisted of 36 guns, 2 launchers, and 3 radars. In total 2nd BCT consisted of 10 battalions. The plan required a Ground Assault Convoy (GAC) move up Highway 9 with a simultaneous air assault from a series of PZs around Al Kifl into three LZs around the city. For the operation Karbala was divided into 4 zones and then sub-divided into 30 separate sectors sequentially lettered from A through DD. The Brigade Main Effort, 3-502 Infantry, departed from PZ BIRCH and landed to the northwest of Karbala on LZ SPARROW and was tasked to destroy a company plus of Fedayeen fighters. Supporting the brigade main effort was 1-502 Infantry, which departed from PZ PINE and landed to the southeast on LZ FINCH. Also in support was 2-502 Infantry, which departed from PZ MAPLE and landed to the southwest on LZ ROBIN. The plan called for the infantry to clear its assigned sectors with 2-70 AR, positioned to the east of the city, responsible for tightening the noose along the key re-supply routes to Baghdad; aviation and artillery units were in support.

H-hour was set for 051100L April 2003 and began with a half-dozen airstrikes using satellite-guided Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) bombs against paramilitary arsenals. 23 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters and 5 twin-rotor CH-47 Chinooks shuttled three 502nd Infantry battalions (a total of 731 soldiers) into their respective landing zones around the city. Then, in swirling dust and over 102 degree heat, 28 M1 Abrams tanks and 16 M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicles roared in from the east and northeast along Route Venezuela -- a hammer against the infantry anvil. Resistance was heavy. The infantry battalions soon found themselves immersed in street clearance against a determined, but unstructured enemy, armed with an array of militia weapons. 3-502 IN (ME) bore the brunt of it. Its companies had entered the city after an unexpectedly long approach march from LZ Sparrow and, once inside, became embroiled in a series of skirmishes that demanded junior leadership of the highest standards. Further south, 2-502 IN moved in similarly methodical fashion, street-by-street, building-by-building. Stockpiles of arms were found in schools and homes. 1-502 IN, pressing in from the southeast of the city, denied the enemy access to multiple caches. 2-17 CAV provided brave and unquestioning support in destroying targets hindering the infantry’s advance by either independent action or by marking targets for artillery and Close Air Support (CAS) to engage. By nightfall, 2nd BCT had cleared and secured 13 of their 30 sectors. It had secured a frightening amount of weaponry, including 2 ZPUs, 5 S60s, 14 mortar systems and 36 RPG launchers. It found a possible terrorist training camp, replete with bunkers, obstacle courses and planning tables. Artillery batteries fired more than 100 smoke canisters to screen infantrymen moving onto the streets.

Through the next day 2nd BCT infantry units cleared the remainder of their sectors, at times still encountering resistance. Each and every school system was found to contain some sort of weapons cache, Saddam Hussein propaganda, and evidence of foreign insurgent assistance. Ba’ath Party Headquarters were stocked with “Oil for Food” rice and flour bags, as well as audio/video and Pro-Hussein political paraphernalia.

Karbala was considered cleared of any subversive elements and deemed secure by 061700L April 2003. At aproximately 061730 April 2003, the 20 foot steel molded statue of Saddam Hussein was symbollically torn from its pedestal by elements of the 2-70 Armor battalion and the Iraqi people. Though the Brigade departed Karbala on 071600 APR, 1-502 IN battalion remained in the city until 10 April to conduct a RIP with the 2nd Brigade from the 82nd Airborne Division. The “STRIKE” Brigade suffered multiple casualties including the death of SPC Larry Brown of C/1-41 IN (M), who died when an RPG hit his Bradley. Hundreds of enemy, mostly Syrians and militia fighters, had been killed. Scores of caches had been discovered and consolidated at the Brigade Supply Area (BSA) resulting in a large international media presence in the city on 7 April. The Battle for Karbala was a successful execution of joint warfare using a combined-arms capability in an urban environment. It was the premier battle of the war for the 2nd BCT. The actions of the 2nd BCT eliminated Iraqi attacks on V Corps Lines of Communication (LOC) and allowed the attack toward Baghdad to continue unhindered.

This 25" by 14.50" image size Artist Proof, limited to 100, is signed by the artist.

All Limited Edition prints are signed and numbered (S/N) by the artist. Limited Edition prints are restricted to a certain number. For example, if 400 prints are made from an original painting, once they’re gone, that’s it. There is no limit to the number of open edition prints of a particular painting. That’s why Limited Edition prints are more expensive — and more valuable to collectors — than "open" edition. Rare objects are more valuable.

An Artist’s Proof (AP), generally, is the first 5% - 10% of the Limited Edition prints that come off the press. This status is noted on the print. Collectors prefer APs because their value increases even more than a Limited Edition as time goes by.

All Limited Edition artwork is subject to availability at time of order. Although seller strives to remain currrent as to inventory, seller reserves the right to cancel a sale if item is no longer available at time of purchase.

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