"U.S. Frigate Congress on the California Coast" - Christopher Blossom - Art

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In U.S. Frigate Congress on the California Coast, artist Christopher Blossom presents us with the flagship of the California squadron during the war with Mexico.
Price: $595.00
Christopher Blossom

When a child has a father and grandfather who are both well known illustrators, it is likely the offspring will also become an artist. And when a boy starts to sail at the age of six, it is also likely that the artist might choose the sea and sailing ships as his subject. Such was the case for Christopher Blossom, who, by the time he left the Parsons School of Design and Robert Bourke’s Design Studio, could visualize a finished boat from only its plans—and draw the craft from any angle.

Before Blossom was twenty, he had sailed under square rig aboard the brigantine Young America. Known for his complex, detailed compositions of ships at sea, Blossom combines his appreciation for the beauty and the menace of the sea with his love of maritime history and ship construction. Before Blossom paints a vessel, he is likely to study the ship’s blueprint to learn about it hull design, length, tonnage and deck layout. Blossom’s historically accurate ships and harbors are combined with color, light and composition to capture the mood of a voyage and convey the essence of the seafaring experience.

At the age of twenty, he won a Gold Medal at the Society of Illustrators Scholarship Exhibition. His dual vocation of experiencing the sea and then painting both nautical history and some of the greatest modern places to sail, was truly launched. Blossom became both a charter member and an artist of the American Society of Marine Artists, serving as its president from 1983 to 1986. His awards include a Gold Medal from the National Academy of Western Art for his painting of ships in Monterey. Saluted as an undisputed master, Blossom has exhibited his art at the Gilcrease Museum, the Colorado Museum of History, the prestigious Prix de West Invitational and the Artists of America show. Blossom continues to achieve artistic honors including the Robert Lougheed Memorial Award at the 2001 Prix de West.

Almost the only time he isn’t painting is when he is sailing, visiting ports of call in Maine, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, the Bahamas, California and Washington state. Blossom, who recently spent a year sailing around the Caribbean with his wife and two sons says of his love, "It’s not a hobby, it’s a way of life. When I look at the ocean, I get the same feeling pilots must get when they look to the sky."

Christopher Blossom S/N Limited Edition Giclee Canvas "U.S. Frigate Congress on the California Coast"

In U.S. Frigate Congress on the California Coast, artist Christopher Blossom presents us with the flagship of the California squadron during the war with Mexico. Built between 1839 and 1842 at the Portsmouth Navy Yard in Maine, the Congress served off South America in the 1840s.

The Civil War brought Congress back to U.S. waters, joining the blockade of the Confederacy's Atlantic coast. In March 1862, US Congress was attacked by the ironclad CSS Virginia and forced to surrender.

"This painting is not a particular historical moment, but rather a classic marine composition," Blossom says. "Looking for a different approach, I placed the bow in shadow, lighting the aft part of the ship, layering the light and shadow parts of the sails to create depth."

As any of Blossom's loyal collectors will attest, the artist's passion for the sea and its romance is apparent in each of his powerful paintings.

A work of Christopher Blossom’s fine art is considered the height of craftsmanship in maritime art. In his 21 years of participation in the Prix De West, Blossom has three times been chosen by his fellow artists for the Robert Lougheed Award. His bold design and impeccable rendering capture the mood and mystical experience of men at sea.

Chris is the most highly regarded and collected maritime artist painting today.

This 24" by 18" Image Size, Limited Edition Giclee Canvas, edition size 75, is signed by the artist.

All Limited Edition prints are signed and numbered (S/N) by the artist. Limited Edition prints are restricted to a certain number. For example, if 400 prints are made from an original painting, once they’re gone, that’s it. There is no limit to the number of open edition prints of a particular painting. That’s why Limited Edition prints are more expensive — and more valuable to collectors — than "open" edition. Rare objects are more valuable.

All Limited Edition artwork is subject to availability at time of order. Although seller strives to remain currrent as to inventory, seller reserves the right to cancel a sale if item is no longer available at time of purchase.

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